Current Course (Spring 2025)

COMP SCI 642: Introduction to Information Security

Meeting: Tues/Thurs 2:30 – 3:45pm, Engineering Hall 1227

Past Teaching


  • COMP SCI 704: Principles of Programming Languages (Fall 2024)
  • COMP SCI 642: Introduction to Information Security (Spring 2024)
  • COMP SCI 839: Language-Based Security (Fall 2023)

Cornell University

  • Grad TA for CS 5431: Systems Security Practicum (Spring 2018)
  • Grad TA for CS 2110: Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures (Fall 2015)

Brown University

  • Head TA for CSCI 1510: Introduction to Cryptography and Computer Security (Fall 2011)
  • Head TA for CSCI 0510: Models of Computation (Fall 2010)
  • Head TA for CSCI 0190: Programming with Data Structures and Algorithms (Fall 2009)

Volunteer Teaching

  • Taught 7th – 9th grade girls computer science through Expanding Your Horizons. (April 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)
  • Taught 6th – 8th graders math and programming with Bootstrap. (2013)